T-DAR® Installation and Operation Manuals
Please click the links below to view the PDF manuals for the following
T-DAR stereo vision systems:
- T-DAR Door Shield Model T-DAR DS100 - One/Two Door System
- T-DAR Door Shield Model T-DAR D2100 - Double Door System
- T-DAR Mantrap Shield Model TDAR-MT100 - One Camera Head System
- T-DAR Mantrap Shield Model TDAR-MT200 - Two Camera Head System
T-DAR Installation Checklists
After T-DAR components are installed by a security systems integrator, they must be properly set-up and commissioned by either a Newton engineer or a trained and approved engineer before going into full operation. The following checklists are used to ensure that all elements of a T-DAR installation are indeed correctly in place and that system setup may proceed.
Click the links below to view the PDF checklists for the following T-DAR systems: