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The T-DAR Door Shield Model DS100 DS100 is a highly-adaptive technology delivering tailgating and piggybacking detection and deterrence, alarming and recording for single doors. The Model DS100 anti-tailgating system is superior to any combination of card reader and magnetic lock alone, but offers less protection than the tailgating and piggybacking solutions found in the T-DAR Lobby Shield or T-DAR Mantrap Shield barrier systems. Model DS100 anti-tailgating door systems are based on patented T-DAR technology and can be installed on single, swinging and sliding doors.
The Model DS100 stereo vision system allows for safe entrance of a single person, or single person with a cart. Only one person at a time is given authorized entry, including multiple authorizations for escorted visitors.
Please note that the cart in the left hand video is nearly as tall as the employee. Model DS100 software is able to discern a human from non-human objects within the field of view of the stereo camera head and continues to track the human form while within the scanning field.
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